6.1: Institutional Vision and Leadership
6.2: Strategy Development and Deployment
6.2.1: The institutional perspective plan is effectively deployed and functioning of the institutional bodies
6.2.1_A: Additional information
6.2.1_B: Institutional Perspective Plan
6.2.2: Institution implements e-governance in its operations
6.2.2_A: Screen shots of user interfaces of each module reflecting the name of the HEI
6.2.2_C: Annual e-governance report
6.3: Faculty Empowerment Strategies
6.3.1: The institution’s performance appraisal system, effective welfare measures for teaching and non-teaching staff
6.3.2: Percentage of teachers provided with financial support
6.3.2_A: Policy document on providing financial support to teachers
6.3.2_B: Institutional data in the prescribed format
6.3.2_D: Audited statement of account highlighting the financial support to teachers
6.3.3: Percentage of teaching and non-teaching staff participating in FDP, MDP, administrative training programs
6.3.3_A: Refresher course/Faculty Orientation or other programmes as per UGC/AICTE stipulated periods, as participated by teachers year-wise
6.3.3_B: Institutional data in the prescribed format
6.3.3_C: Copy of the certificates of the program attended by teachers
6.3.3_D: Annual reports highlighting the programmes undertaken by the teachers
6.4: Financial Management and Resource Mobilization
6.5: Internal Quality Assurance System
6.5.1: Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
6.5.2: Quality assurance initiatives of the institution:
6.5.2_A: Quality audit reports/certificate as applicable and valid for the assessment period
6.5.2_B: NIRF report, AAA report and details on follow up actions
6.5.2_D: Link to Minute of IQAC meetings, hosted on HEI website